Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Longevity Game (Due September 18)

How long will you live? This question has been considered since individuals started thinking. You have information about your parents' and grandparents' longevity. Is their longevity a good indicator of your longevity or other factors as important? The Longevity Game allows you to assess your own probabilities of reaching a specific age based on your lifestyle. Go to longevity-main.html and proceed with the questions.

1.)How long are you projected to live? _______

2.) Are you shocked, happy or surprised by the calculated number? Explain.

3.)What factors are the most positive? What factors are the most negative?

4.)What lifestyle factors could you change to increase your estimated longevity?

5.) Return to the game and change some of the lifestyle factors for which you received the largest negative numbers on the summary table. How much did these lifestyle changes affect your estimated life span?

6.) Are these lifestyle changes worth the effort involved in making them in order to add years to your longevity?


  1. 1) I am projected to live 78 years.
    2) I'm content with 78 years of living; that seems like a pretty typical age to live. Ninety would be too old, and sixty would be too young.If I continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and regularly check up on my health conditions, then I should live a decent life span.
    3) The most positive factors would include wearing a seat belt,eating an average amount,and being somewhat active. Negative factors would include cardiovascular issues in my family history, high blood pressure, and getting overwhelmed by stress.
    4)I could make improvements in how often I decide to exercise and my eating diet to increase my estimated longevity.
    5)Changing or increasing my lifestyle factors for a more negative effect decreased my longevity by approximately 10 years. Smoking 2 packs of a cigarrettes a day, drinking 2-4 alcoholic beverages a day, and increased automobile accidents (or drinking under the influence) would negatively affect my expected longevity.
    6) Yes. Making lifestyle changes to increase my expectancy to live would be worth it.

  2. 1) 96 years of age
    2) I'm not so shocked, i lead a healthy life. but i'm not very excited to live until i'm 96. sounds pretty..... long.
    3) I suppose everything was a positive factor for me. i eat pretty average, so if that can be considered negative than sure.
    4) eating better? i'm fine with staying how i am, i don't want to be any older than 96, thanks.
    5) eating more vegetables and not stressing out would make me live to 100.
    6) not really. 96, 100, what's the difference? old is old. i'd rather not.

  3. 81 years old
    No not really i think 80 is a great age to make it to.
    Positive: wearing seatbelt, driving well, and not drinking alcohol or using drugs; Negatives: not eating healthy enough, have a history of heart problems in family
    I could eat more healthy, and excercise a litte more than what i do.
    It changed it by 10 years.
    I guess it really don't matter to me whenever my time comes then it will be my time.

  4. 1. 79 years
    2. not really i'm scared to get that old... i'm really scared to get anywhere past 45
    3. I had only one negative the rest were positive so i'm not really that worried.
    4. i should probably eat better
    5. i don't want to get to 100 but i will probably start eating better and excercising more
    6. i probably won't change that much.

  5. 90 years old
    Im a little surprised. i didnt expect my age to be that high.
    The positives were that i have never smoked, done drugs, or drank. the negatives are that my diet could be healthier and i could exercise more often.
    Like i said, if i eat healthier and exercise more each day i will be estimated to live longer.
    if i exercised more, and ate healthier, i would live an estimated 8 years longer.

  6. 1.) 84

    2.) I am okay with the answer, though I have been changing my habits and now I feel alot better because of the things that I am changing.

    3.) The most positive factor would be influencing myself to eat better and learn different lessons. The negative factor would be that my family history is a problem, and I hope I never go though some of the things my family has gone though.

    4.) I could stop eating things that aren't good for me and maybe lose some weight so that I am at a healthy weight instead of being over weight (according to the BMI Chart). This could help me by being able to learn good eating habits, and exercise habits now.

    5.) The things that I changed moved it up to 97, due to me changing eating habits, and my family history.

    6.) By eating and exersizing, while making sure I go to the doctor regularly to make sure that nothing is affecting me from my history. This would change it alot.

  7. i live to be 78

    sure i mean 78 is a long time i glad to be that old and still alive.

    wearing seat belt, working out, eating average, negative umm stress, doing things at an average that i could probably improve on

    eating, stress level and probably more

    i would live to 91, i think thats to long lol

    no i wouldnt want to look back on my life and say that i could of done something but i didnt because i wanted to live longer, i think im fine on the track that im taking now

  8. 1.) 91

    2.)I'm...indifferent. I'll live for as long as I'm supposed to. it doesn't matter to me. I mean, yeah, living that long does scare me. I don't like the thought of not being able to take care of myself or being alone. I don't know how I'll feel about it when I actually get there, but right now the thought of having nothing to do with myself just freaks me out.

    3.)I don't have any negative factors. except for maybe not exercising. but I'm already living 'till I'm 91. I don't know if I want to lengthen that.

    4.)I don't want to increase my longevity.


  9. 1.)How long are you projected to live? 88

    2.) Are you shocked, happy or surprised by the calculated number? Explain. surprised im gonna live for a very long time

    3.)What factors are the most positive? What factors are the most negative? not smoking is most positive and eating bad is negative

    4.)What lifestyle factors could you change to increase your estimated longevity? im living for a long time supposively so i wouldnt change much

    5.) Return to the game and change some of the lifestyle factors for which you received the largest negative numbers on the summary table. How much did these lifestyle changes affect your estimated life span? not buckling up didnt change anything, smoking, drinking, and drugs, caused it to go down to 68.

    6.) Are these lifestyle changes worth the effort involved in making them in order to add years to your longevity. well if i really wanted to live to 88!!!!!

  10. *


    I skipped five.

    six is no, and five nine years. I would live to be 100.

  11. 1.)How long are you projected to live?
    91 years

    2.) Are you shocked, happy or surprised by the calculated number? Explain.
    I'm really indifferent about it as well. I know for a fact it'll change later in life so there's really no room for shock or being suprised about it.

    3.)What factors are the most positive? What factors are the most negative?
    Positives are that I don't smoke or do drugs and never plan on it.
    Negatives: I don't drive as "safely" as I should and no one in my family rarely lives to be 65.

    4.)What lifestyle factors could you change to increase your estimated longevity?
    Lowering my stress, not speeding, and eating healthier.

    5.) Return to the game and change some of the lifestyle factors for which you received the largest negative numbers on the summary table. How much did these lifestyle changes affect your estimated life span?
    By changing my exercising and eating habits my life went up by 7 years.

    6.) Are these lifestyle changes worth the effort involved in making them in order to add years to your longevity?
    To be honest not really. I wouldn't care to live to be 98 to begin with so it's probably not worth becoming a diet/exercise freak over.

  12. 1] I'm projected to live about 93 years!

    2] A little suprised, but then again; not really. My mother always taught me to eat healthy. And I do like to. When I eat healthy, and excercise, I always feel alot better. I truly do.

    3] Positives: My family is generally healthy. My parents are going on 60 years and are healthy and fit. No one in my family is "obese". We are a healthy family with generally no health problems.
    Negatives: I try to go to the gym, every week, but sometimes I don't excercise like I should.

    4] Not drinking and smoking would expand my life majorly.

    5] I changed all my good decisions to bad ones and it decreased my life span by about 40 years!!!

    6] I wouldn't do extremely bad things like cocaine, but I might have a drink here and there when I'm older.

  13. 1. 81 YEARS.
    2. Im prety satisfied with my number because 81 years is a long life.
    3. The positive is that I will live a long and happy life but the negative is that I will have to deal with alot over those long years.
    4. I could eat better and have a good blood pressure.
    5. It changed to 91.
    6. Most definetly.

  14. 1. I live to 96!!
    2. Im happy that I'm going to live a really long life.
    3. Pos.: All of my family is healthy
    Neg.: Some of them are on the "Chuby" side I could say.
    4. I dont drink or smoke so I will have a long life.
    5. I changed some things and lost 20 years!!
    6. I would never do any bad things like drugs or drinking I like my life and I dont want to do anything to mess it up because I only have one life.

  15. 1.) 97

    2.) Am I shocked? Not really. Religous views interfere here.

    3.) I don't smoke, drink, shoot up, I run. Negs: I'm short. Y.Y


    5.) High stress = 79

    6.) YES

  16. 1. 69
    2. Nah, the number doesn't bother me.
    3. I don't drink alcohol was the most positive. But..smoking less than 2 packs a day and using recreational drugs regularly knocked about 13+ years off.
    4. Quit smoking and using recreational drugs.
    5. Not using drugs and not smoking seems to have boosted my life up..a good 10 years.
    6. Nah. I like smoking and using drugs =)

  17. .) I will live to be 94 years old

    2.) This age doenst really suprise me becasue most peopl ein my family lived to be between 87-95 years old

    3.)That I have never drink alcohol
    ? I could wear my seatbelt more?

    4.)Eat healthy all the time and wear my seatbelt more

    5.) I change all mine to bad and it said i would like to be 37 ?

    6.)For the most part healthy lifestyle willl extend your life and is worth it....I do mostly live a healthy life style i just need to wear my seatbelt more

  18. 1.) 71
    2.) im ok with that. 71 isnt too bad.
    3.) Positives: wearing a seatbelt, eating healthy
    Negative: smoking daily, heart disease and high blood pressure in the family
    4.) Stop smoking.
    5.) Stress gives me back 2 years.
    i get 3 years back by exercising more.
    i gain 5 years by eating more vegetables.
    i gain 6 years by not smoking.
    i gain 9 years by not using drugs. (even though all i use is marajuana)
    6.) i think its worth it to quit smoking ciggarettes and pot, eating healthy and working on stress.

  19. 1.)91.

    2.)91 Is getting old, but I'm okay with however long i live.

    3.)Positive - That I don't smoke, drink, or use drugs. Negative -I should eat more healthy.

    4.)Wear my seat bealt ALL the time! & Eat better.

    5.) If I was more healthy I would live to be 97 years old, So I gained 6 years by always wearing my seat belt, eating right, and excersing more.

    6.)I mean yeah, but I really don't wanna live to be almost a 100 years old, haha. I'm fine with 91 :)

  20. 1.)How long are you projected to live?
    92 years

    2.) Are you shocked, happy or surprised by the calculated number? Explain.
    im happy and shocked...didnt think i would live to be that darn old
    3.)What factors are the most positive? What factors are the most negative?
    positive-dont smoke,drink,do drugs, always wear seat belt, eat good,etc.
    negative- im somewhat active so probably could be more.
    4.)What lifestyle factors could you change to increase your estimated longevity?
    become more active
    5.) Return to the game and change some of the lifestyle factors for which you received the largest negative numbers on the summary table. How much did these lifestyle changes affect your estimated life span?
    haha haha.....haha........hahaha....100

    6.) Are these lifestyle changes worth the effort involved in making them in order to add years to your longevity?
    if i can reach 100 then yea its all worth it


  21. 1.88 years old
    2.88 is a pretty good age to get to and I'm not surprised because I live a good life.
    3.Most positive is not drinking or smoking and always wearing my seatbelt.Most negative is not exercising enough and not eating lots of veggies.
    4.Exercise more and eat more veggies and fruits.
    5.I gained 12 years to 100 by exercising more,eating better,and having better family history with cardiovascular problems.
    6.Exercising more is worth it,but I'm pretty content with 88.I don't know if I would want to get all the way to 100.

  22. 1.) 93 years.
    2.) I'm a little indifferent. Sure, I'm happy but I'll live for as long as I'm supposed to. If I were to die young but accomplished one highly rewarding thing in my life then I'd be pretty content. So sticking a year on my life span doesn't exactly matter to me.
    3.) Positives: wearing a seatbelt, not drinking and doing drugs, not smoking, driving well.
    Negatives: history of heart problems in the family, not having a very active lifestyle (anymore), not eating as healthy as I could.
    4.) Becoming as active as I used to be.
    5.) I live to 99 by changing a few things around.
    6.) Like I said for my second answer, I'm indifferent to this. So, no?

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. 1)Well Im Projected To Live 75 years...
    2)I was pretty surprised and not that happy lol.
    3)Most negative i think was the family history because we have heart disease on my fathers side, i think the best was the drinking because i dont drink that much
    4)I Could Definetaly Be More Active Of Course And Eat Healthier.
    5)I Got To 93 Changing Some Stuff Around So... Yay I suppose.
    6)Yeah I Suppose Its Worth It, Im Still Gonna Drink Here And There Though, Smoking I dont Do Enough For It To Matter

  25. 1.)How long are you projected to live? __83_____

    2.) Are you shocked, happy or surprised by the calculated number? Explain.
    I find it irrelevant, My family Is pretty FUBAR, all of my great uncles and aunts have passed away, with my grandma being the last alive with 87 years.She's got skin cancer and used to work in cotton mills. I think she may live forever.

    3.)What factors are the most positive? What factors are the most negative?
    The fact that I don't drink, smoke or use drugs for recreation

    4.)What lifestyle factors could you change to increase your estimated longevity?

    I Could exercise more, and eat better other than that there isn't much I could do.

    5.) Return to the game and change some of the lifestyle factors for which you received the largest negative numbers on the summary table. How much did these lifestyle changes affect your estimated life span?

    They changed my life span by 10 years putting me up to 93

    6.) Are these lifestyle changes worth the effort involved in making them in order to add years to your longevity?

    Like I said, looking at my grandma's track record, and that of her brothers and sisters, who know's how long i'll live ?

  26. 1.)How long are you projected to live?
    2.) Are you shocked, happy or surprised by the calculated number? Explain.
    pretty happy, i don't want to live too long, but i don't want to live too short either.

    3.)What factors are the most positive? What factors are the most negative?
    most negetive: food
    most positive: healthy heart

    4.)What lifestyle factors could you change to increase your estimated longevity?
    be more active

    5.) Return to the game and change some of the lifestyle factors for which you received the largest negative numbers on the summary table. How much did these lifestyle changes affect your estimated life span?
    shortened it.

    6.) Are these lifestyle changes worth the effort involved in making them in order to add years to your longevity?

  27. i will apparently live until age 66.
    thats okay with me because thats quite long enough.i wear my seatbelt all the time only because my car has a beeper thing so i guess thats good. i could cut back on all the hardcore drungs i use so i could live a whole extra year but thats not fun.ha jk. when i went back i quit doing all bad things and lived to be ridiculously old and id rather not do that so i think ill just stick to what im doing now :)

  28. 1. 86

    2.Im happy with the outcome. Living to 86 seems like a pretty long life span.

    3. possitive: eating and exercising
    negative: drinking, drugs, and heart problems

    4.The survery said it was fine, but i would say personally exercising more and eating healthier

    5. It took about 10 years off of my life.

    6. No drinking and doing drugs aren't worth losing time off of my life.

  29. 1. 99 years old

    2. I am happy with the outcome because i got a longer life to live.

    3. positive: eating better and exercising
    negative: smoking drinking high blood pressure

    4. The survey said it was fine, but i would exercise more and eat healthy.

    5. It took about 10 years off my life.

    6. Drinking, smoking and drugs all that is not worth getting time off your life when you could have a longer life and experience more.

  30. 1.)Said i was going to live until 98.

    2.) Well, i am one of those people who dont want to get old. I was actualy hoping to die before i get too wrinkled. :) But no, 98 is a long time.

    3.)The most postive is not smoking nor doing drugs and the most negative are doing these things.

    4.)Um, well if i wanted to live until 100 i could exercise more, but really 98, im old. Im not going to remeber the next two years of my life anyway.

    5.) I changed everything to negative and it gave me a life span of like 31. Fun stuff.

    6.) Not really. Just two years more by exercising like a crazy person? Not much worth there.

  31. 1. I'm projected to live for 87 years.
    2. I really didn't know what to expect for this.
    3. Positives: exercise, good blood pressure, wear seatbelt, no smoking, no drinking, no drugs.
    Negatives: don't eat extremely well.
    4. I should eat better and I could exercise every day.
    5. I could live to 93.
    6. There would only be a few changes to exercise and diet. I think that changing those few things would be well worth those six years especially if I could be as active as my grandparents.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. 1. 90
    2. I never really thought about how old I would live to, so I wasn't really shocked or surprised.
    3. The positive factors are that I do not smoked, I do not do drugs, I am not an alcoholic, I am semi-active, I eat semi-healthy, and I am a female. The negative factors are that my grandfather had heart problems before he was 55, my weight, and I have been in an accident.
    4. To improve how long I will live I could not get in the car when my brother is driving, I could gain weight, I could eat healthier, and exercise more.
    5. I could live 7 more years if I gain 13 pounds, if I do not get in anymore accidents, eat healthier and exercise more.
    6. I think it would be worth it to make the changes, but I probably won't make them.

  34. 1. I am projected to live to 94.
    2. I am pretty happy with my results and think that 94 is a really good age to live to because you dont miss out on your kids growing up or your grandchildren.
    3. I think some good factors are that I dont smoke, drink, or do drugs. Some bad factors is the stress i sometimes have.
    4. I could change my stress levels.
    5. Not excersing and doing drugs brought my age down alot. My age went down about 6 or 7 years.
    6. I think it would be worth the changes because you will live longer and be healthier.

  35. i got 87 years. wow i diddn't expect to live that long but why not. positive things were not smoking, not drinking, no hard drugs, and good blood pressure. there were not any really negative things that would throw off a lot of years so i'm all good with what i'm doing now

  36. Im going to die when i turn 95 (:
    im not shocked by this.
    i exercise often-stress
    manage my stress levels
    took 10 years off
    dont do drugs if you care about living a long life.

  37. i got 89 years.
    im not really shocked by active enough and dont really do things that are bad for me.i
    i should eat better and maybe become a little more active.i get stressed alot but i manage it but i could work on that a little more as well.when i changed some of my answers, it added about 9 years to my life, and yes changing things would be worth living a longer life.

  38. 1. 87
    2. I'm pretty happy with this..not too shocked. I don't think i would want to live much boring life would become doing nothing but eating oatmeal and forgetting my grandkids' names.
    3. Most positive factors would be that I don't smoke or drink or do drugs. Most negative would be that I don't exercise regularly.
    4. Be more active.
    5. If i was more active I would live to be 92.
    6. Exercise is always worth it!

  39. 1.)How long are you projected to live? ____71___

    2.) Are you shocked, happy or surprised by the calculated number? Explain.
    imneither shocked or excited abt my outcome. Its not bad buts its also not good.
    3.)What factors are the most positive? What factors are the most negative?Good:wearing seatbelt, good blood pressure. Bad:smoking,drinking,drugs.

    4.)What lifestyle factors could you change to increase your estimated longevity?smoking

    5.) Return to the game and change some of the lifestyle factors for which you received the largest negative numbers on the summary table. How much did these lifestyle changes affect your estimated life span?
    10 years
    6.) Are these lifestyle changes worth the effort involved in making them in order to add years to your longevity? deffinately

  40. 1.) I am projected to live to 84 years of age

    2.) Happy b/c hopfuly i can live and expierence that much but doubt it being in the army.

    3.)My level of phiscial activity and negtive is my driving skills

    4.)I Would get less trafic violations and eat more vegies

    5.) They droped my life span over 40 years thats crazy!

    6.) Yes I would love to live to 84 that is a long time but not 90 which would suck

  41. i am projected to live to 91 years of age i am very happy because that means that i will live a long life idk what i can chang but 91 is a long time to live

  42. 1.)How long are you projected to live? _______
    2.) Are you shocked, happy or surprised by the calculated number? Explain.
    yes im shocked, because i dont do much but i guess i dont do helps
    3.)What factors are the most positive? What factors are the most negative?
    not smoking and drinking are positive, mah eating habits are kinda bad tho
    4.)What lifestyle factors could you change to increase your estimated longevity?
    i could change mah eating and exercise habits
    5.) Return to the game and change some of the lifestyle factors for which you received the largest negative numbers on the summary table. How much did these lifestyle changes affect your estimated life span?
    my eating and execise habits changed my lifestyle to make me live longer
    6.) Are these lifestyle changes worth the effort involved in making them in order to add years to your longevity?
    they kinda are, but the food i eat is good lol

  43. 1.)79

    2.)i am suprised that i will live to be 79

    3.)positive is the amount of physical activity and the negative is the non seetbelt

    4.)the eating and the exercise

    5.)i changed the smoking and i lost ten years to my life

    6.)i dont think its worth it

  44. 1. My projected age was 93.
    2. I'm kinda shocked but happy at the same time. I didn't expect to be that "helathy" (:
    3. My most positve factor was not smoking, drinking, or doing drugs.My negative factor was that I don't excercise reguralty and I have a not so perfect family history.
    4. I could excercise more to increase longevity.
    5. I increased excercise and my age increased to 96 years old. I changed and said i smoked and used recreational drugs and it moved me down to 81 years old.
    6. I think its worth it and I would like to start working out more.

  45. Wow, guys. I am reading these on a Friday night and am totally depressed now. I am saddened to hear so many say they hope to die early. Remember the most satisfying time in life is late adulthood. The most depressing time is adolescences. Maybe some of your answers are due to this fact. Just remember you may feel one way right now, but you may change your mind later. You can't however change the reckless behaviors you had for years. I am not judging; just food for thought.

  46. 1.)86 years old
    2.)I am happy because i have a long life ahead of me.
    3.)Positives is that i dont smoke or do drugs and i always were my seatbelt. Negitive is i have heart problems in my family.
    4.)I wouldnt want to change anything because that is a long time to live.
    5.) I took like 10 years off my life.
    6.) Not really. i will be happy even if i die tomorrow or 60 years from now.

  47. Shelby Davis;

    1.) I'm supposed to live to the age 93
    2.) I'm a little shocked, and it kinda does make me happy! I think if I would know more about my family health problems that projected age might go down some. Oh and I don't smoke but I live with smokers so second hand smoke will probably take off a few years. :( But its good to know I'll live a while. Hopefully its not bad when I'm old.
    3.) My positives are no smoking, I don't do drugs and I don't drink and I wear a seat belt and I don't eat too bad. My negative I think was stress, and personally I think 2nd hand smoke should be counted.
    4.) I don't think I want to increase my longevity. I may change my mind. But if I wanted to then I would do something about the 2nd hand smoke and stress.
    5.)Wow. Without those negative factors my age is 98.
    6.) I'm already supposed to live for a while so I don't know if they are. I know when I can I'm goin to try to learn how to manage stress a little more cuz no body wants that but I don't know if I want to live to 98!

  48. 1.)How long are you projected to live?


    2.) Are you shocked, happy or surprised by the calculated number? Explain.

    I actually expect to die sooner than that, same goes for all the other people who are supposed to live past 85. I just don't find that probable.

    3.)What factors are the most positive? What factors are the most negative?

    No accidents wearing seat belt, excerise. my person was fat, just so you know..

    4.)What lifestyle factors could you change to increase your estimated longevity?

    recreational activities...

    5.) Return to the game and change some of the lifestyle factors for which you received the largest negative numbers on the summary table. How much did these lifestyle changes affect your estimated life span?

    Well, I just fixed everything, so I'm 100. But, it greatly affects my projected age.

    6.) Are these lifestyle changes worth the effort involved in making them in order to add years to your longevity?

    I'm not sure.

  49. 1.)How long are you projected to live? 78

    2.) Are you shocked, happy or surprised by the calculated number? Explain. I thought my age would have been slightly higher but this is still a good age.

    3.)What factors are the most positive? What factors are the most negative? Not using illegal drugs, not drinking, and a good blood pressure are the most positive. Smoking less than two packs a day is the most negative.

    4.)What lifestyle factors could you change to increase your estimated longevity? Quit smoking, exersise more, and eat more fruits and vegtables.

    5.) Return to the game and change some of the lifestyle factors for which you received the largest negative numbers on the summary table. How much did these lifestyle changes affect your estimated life span? It increased my estimated lifespan by 10 years!

    6.) Are these lifestyle changes worth the effort involved in making them in order to add years to your longevity? They are, but it is hard to remember this on a daily basis.

  50. 1.) it said i was suppose to live up to 99
    2.)i expected to get a high number because i take care of myself and do the right things to keep myself healthy.
    3.)The factors that are the most positive are probably my eating ahbits and my exercise habits i am doing very well inthose categories.I wouldn't say i have any bad negative factors.
    4.)I wouldn't really change anything i am doing.
    5.)They change my expectancy a lot.
    6.)It is totally not worth it because i would like to live as long as possible.

  51. 1-80
    2-I would be,but I dont know if I believe the accuracy of this thing.
    3-Everything was basically positive..sure i have my bad habits, but so does everybody
    4-I wouldent really change anything because of what this says
    5-It dident change my expectancy

  52. 1) i am projected to live 92 years

    2)i am happy with living for 92 years.

    3)the positive factors was wearing a selt belt, eating an average amount of the right foods, not drinking, not smoking, and being active. The negative factors are cardiovascular issues and stress.

    4)i could change my eating habits a little and the stress

    5)changing the lifestyle factors for an negative effect would decrese my longevity by five-fifty years and i would only live to for 37 years

    6)yes i could change somethings and it would be worth it i may could live at least 2-3 more years

  53. 1.)How long are you projected to live? 86.

    2.) Are you shocked, happy or surprised by the calculated number? Explain. Not realllllly. This thing isn't too accurate so I'm not gonna get all sad or happy because of it.

    3.)What factors are the most positive? I wear my seatbelt, don't drink or smoke, and I'm not under or over weight. :)

    4.)What lifestyle factors could you change to increase your estimated longevity? Stop eating unhealthy foods start working out & drive better.

    5.) Return to the game and change some of the lifestyle factors for which you received the largest negative numbers on the summary table. How much did these lifestyle changes affect your estimated life span? It added 9 years.

    6.) Are these lifestyle changes worth the effort involved in making them in order to add years to your longevity? They are for sure but it would be a huge life style change.

  54. 1.)How long are you projected to live? 88

    2.) Are you shocked, happy or surprised by the calculated number? happy, it said i live a healthy lifestyle,which is good.

    3.)What factors are the most positive? What factors are the most negative? based on family history that i cannot control it can determine my health such as alcoholics and lung cancer and heart problems and diabetes run in both sides of my family's so i have a high chance of them.

    4.)What lifestyle factors could you change to increase your estimated longevity? eating healthy, not smoking or drinking, and keep up my daily exercise.

    5.) Return to the game and change some of the lifestyle factors for which you received the largest negative numbers on the summary table. How much did these lifestyle changes affect your estimated life span? i took it again and changed everything to mostly bad, my life span would be 41, if i smoked and drank and was very unhealthy i would die very young.

    6.) Are these lifestyle changes worth the effort involved in making them in order to add years to your longevity? yes i hope to live a long healthy life

  55. 1.)How long are you projected to live? 91

    2.) Are you shocked, happy or surprised by the calculated number? Explain.
    I am happy to see that I will live intil I am 91.

    3.)What factors are the most positive? What factors are the most negative?
    I have never smoked, dont do drugs, I dont drink, I always where my seatbelt, and I exercise.
    I dont eat super good but I dont eat bad and I dont know my families history problems.

    4.)What lifestyle factors could you change to increase your estimated longevity?
    Eat healthier.

    5.) Return to the game and change some of the lifestyle factors for which you received the largest negative numbers on the summary table. How much did these lifestyle changes affect your estimated life span?
    I lived unitl 98 when I changed some things.

    6.) Are these lifestyle changes worth the effort involved in making them in order to add years to your longevity?
    Yeah, I mean a couple more years is a lot to me so I am going to try to eat better.

  56. 1.)How long are you projected to live? 85

    2.) Are you shocked, happy or surprised by the calculated number? Yeah I can not see my self as a older person. I dont know why but I was very surprised.

    3.)My exercising was most positive and my most negavtive was the way I eat.

    4.)What lifestyle factors could you change to increase your estimated longevity? The way I eat.

    5.) Return to the game and change some of the lifestyle factors for which you received the largest negative numbers on the summary table. How much did these lifestyle changes affect your estimated life span? 7 years

    6.) Are these lifestyle changes worth the effort involved in making them in order to add years to your longevity? Yes they are worth it. But the things is it isnt that easy.

  57. 1. i am projected to live to the age of 66. wow
    2. im not really surprised.. it says there is room for improvement. i know i don't exactly live the best lifestyle i could be living.
    3. the most positive thing was probably my normal blood pressure. and the most negative was...well.. im not exactly gonna say.
    4. i would change the fact that i don't wear a seat belt. and to slow down on the alcohol.
    5. the lifestyle changes gave me 8 years.
    6.hte things i would have to change wouldn't be that easy. but in the end they probably would be for the best. but you also have to take into account that they didn't ask certain questions that could also affect the amount of time for you to live your life.

  58. im estimated to live for 74 years. which is fine with me. Um the most postive things are like I exercise and I dont have any family probs and i have normal blood pressure. The biggest negitives are the drinks and drugs thing. I cut out those and got a higher rate of life. But honeslty i enjoy my life rite now and i dont want to change it i want to live my life the way i want to . so honestly i probaly could change things but in the end im gona die so im gona live rite now.

  59. 1.)How long are you projected to live?

    81 years

    2.) Are you shocked, happy or surprised by the calculated number? Explain.

    Not really, I live a pretty healthy, average lifestyle. I don't do drugs. I dont Smoke. I dont expect to live forever, but im guessing i'll make it to 80 at least

    3.)What factors are the most positive? What factors are the most negative?

    My positive factors would probably include Not smoking, drinking, or using drugs. the negative factors are probably me being a little overweight, and having a speeding ticket recently.

    4.)What lifestyle factors could you change to increase your estimated longevity?

    Vigorus daily exercise and eating a little more healthily.

    5.) Return to the game and change some of the lifestyle factors for which you received the largest negative numbers on the summary table. How much did these lifestyle changes affect your estimated life span?

    Well making me become a recreational drug user cut off a few years. and drinking a bunch made it shorter too. but vigorus daily exercise boosted it as well as eating lots of fruits and veggies

    6.) Are these lifestyle changes worth the effort involved in making them in order to add years to your longevity?

    possibly, if you look at it as if well do i care if i live to be 81 or 86, no. not really. But if you take into consideration the fact that making certain lifestyle changes may improve the quality of life that i live, then i might consider it worth it.

  60. I am predicted to live 84 years

    I'm kinda weary about living that long because of the ailments that elderly people can suffer from.. after the lab we did, being old for twenty minutes was hard work and kinda depressing.. i felt disoriented and lost.

    I need to start watching what i eat and keep my heart healthy since i have heart disease in my family

    Stay healthy.. eat right exercise more

    90years, is a six year difference.. but again i don't know if i want to live that long

  61. 1. 79
    2. 79 sounds like a pretty good age to meeee, and enough time to get what i need done in life.
    3. positive would def. be that i dont smoke. negative whould have to be that i have high blood pressure in my family.
    4. eat healthyer.
    5. i changed to eat healthyer and it gave me 5 more years to live!
    6. def. because then i get to live to be older. yaaaaa, but then again what can i do, im old.

  62. 1) it projects that i will live till 87
    2) 87 sounds good but i dont think i want to live that long depending on if i have anything wrong with me.
    3) Positive: Excersizing daily
    Negative: Stress level
    4) Eat better foods
    5) changed the how you eat and gave 4 more years
    6) yes

  63. i tried to play the game but it wouldnt load

  64. I am projected to live till im 93.
    No becuase i've consumed a pretty healthy life sytle for the most part. I don't exercise all the time like i should, and a negitive factor is that i don't always wear my seat belt.Checking my blood pressure more often and exercise more would help me to achieve more out of life. Changing some factors took like 20 years off my life span by adding in smoking and having a bad heart. i deffenatly think i need to keep my slef healthy

  65. 1.)ummm so apparently i'm dying before everyone else

    2.) not all that shocked, yeah it could be better im not too happy about it but also not surprised.

    3.) the most positive factors are probably the vegetables i get shoved down my throat at dinner, but the negatives were deff the smoking and drinking and the heart problems in my family but stress is definitely the worst

    4.)i could quit the crap, but the stress would help the most but i cant necessarily make that go away

    5.)quiting the crap added 12 years to my life

    6.) not really, considering the stress level cant change, so i'm not all that worried about it honestly

  66. 1.) It says I'm gonna live to be 83.

    2.) I'm shocked by that because the females in my family typically don't live past 65 or so. Also, I really don't want to get that old. >_>

    3.) The positive factors are the vegetables and the non-smoking and anti-drug-ness of me. Also, I make it a POINT to put on my seatbelt. >_> My car tattles on me if I don't. The negative part is stress. No competition on that one.

    4.) Be more active?

    5.)I dropped the stress and added more veggies and more active work. It said I was going to live to be 96. I don't think so. I'm good. That's WAY too old.

    6.)To be honest I'm pretty happy with the way I am.

  67. 1. 91
    2. I don't really care but i may not want to live that long.
    3. Seeing grandkids and great-grandkids may be a positive but losing my mind or being in physical pain would be a negative.
    4. Losing weight, more exercise.
    5. I changed my weight, my level of physical activity,my number of accidents, and my stress level. I gained nine years.
    6. I would say some such as losing weight and more physical activity.

  68. I am predicted to live to 91. It dosnt really bother me eather way but I guess Im happy about liveing long. A positive would be seeing the family grow up, a negative would be that I may be bedridden by that age and be miserable. I think eating healthier would help, but to be honest I don't think Id change my lifestyle to live longer because im happy with my life and i dont think i wanna live longer then 91.

  69. 1. I was projected to live to be 82 years old.
    2. I'm not really surprised by the results. My grandmother is currently 86 and still going.
    3. I basically only drink water and nothing else. I also don't smoke and don't plan to. being pretty much inactive pulled my age down too.
    4. I never have time to exercise but I know I should. Exercising and eating more healthily would help me live longer.
    5. When I change my diet and put that I exercise my age was pushed all the way up to 95.
    6. I think so. I already know that I should eat healthily and exercise. It would make me feel better on a daily basis, not to mention look better, and it helps with stress. Making me live longer is another plus.

  70. 1)77 years old
    2)im not really surpried , i really dont eat very healthy, although i do watch what i eat sometimes, and i really dont like doing exercise
    3)negative factors: not using seatbelt (oops), not eating enough vegetables/fruits, not exercising frequently, and stressing, pulled my age down 11 years.
    positive factors: no accidents, no alcohol, not smoking, not doing drugs.
    4)i can start exercising against my will (haha), and eating healthier.
    5)no accidents, not smoking, not drinking, or doing drugs made me live much longer
    5)umm i guess its worth it, changing my negative factors increased my life by 11 years....

  71. 1.)How long are you projected to live? ___88____

    2.) Are you shocked, happy or surprised by the calculated number? Explain.Im not shocked. Yeah im pretty happy. A lot of my family lives past 80 so if I make it there im doing something right.

    3.)What factors are the most positive? What factors are the most negative? Most positive - Living that long means that im doing something to help my life and not destroy it.

    Negative- Thats a long time to live.

    4.)What lifestyle factors could you change to increase your estimated longevity? Maybe more excersise.

    5.) Return to the game and change some of the lifestyle factors for which you received the largest negative numbers on the summary table. How much did these lifestyle changes affect your estimated life span? 93.

    6.) Are these lifestyle changes worth the effort involved in making them in order to add years to your longevity? Ehh.. maybe, maybe not. its 5 years. and ill be 93. Already lived a good life. It might be worth a little more time.

  72. 1.67 years old
    2.Its about averge in my family, not realy shocked
    3.positive i do where my seatbelt negative i smoke do drugs and dont eat good
    4.stop smoking doing drugs and need to eat better
    5.drugs from 67-76, smokin from 67-73, eat better from 67-72
    6.If i change the 3 i will go from 67-84 to see my kids and grand kids it would be worth it.

  73. until im 93

    yes im happy if its true

    none were negative all positive baby!!!

    i dont kno i guess maybe prune juice!

    it made my lifespan lower dang!

    i guess its worth it

  74. 1.)the bird in the cage is really cool
    2.) the bird in the cage because even when you look in the empty cage the bird still apears there but in a different color
    3.) no because the illusions are just that and arent real

  75. 1.)90
    2.)Im surprised but happy because i want to live that long but dont think i will make that long
    3.) eating right and exercising daily. drinking and smoking and not wearing your seat belt.
    4.) I could wear my seat belt and eat healthier.
    5.) it said i would live to 98 so it only changed a little bit
    6.)yes i could wear my seat belt every time i get in the car and i could eat healthier

  76. 1.)How long are you projected to live? 81

    2.) Are you shocked, happy or surprised by the calculated number? Explain. Happy, 81 thats pretty good

    3.)What factors are the most positive? What factors are the most negative?Never smoking drinking or doing drugs; Weight

    4.)What lifestyle factors could you change to increase your estimated longevity? Exercise

    5.) Return to the game and change some of the lifestyle factors for which you received the largest negative numbers on the summary table. How much did these lifestyle changes affect your estimated life span? they added like 10 years to my life

    6.) Are these lifestyle changes worth the effort involved in making them in order to add years to your longevity? Yes

  77. 1.)How long are you projected to live? 86

    2.)im alright with living untill 86. personally from the age i am now it seems too old.

    3.)What factors are the most positive?
    positives are no heart problems in my family, wearing my seat beat
    What factors are the most negative?
    eating unhealthy food, being over weight.

    4.)What lifestyle factors could you change to increase your estimated longevity?
    eat more healthy food and excersize (which i try to do anyway)

    5.) Return to the game and change some of the lifestyle factors for which you received the largest negative numbers on the summary table. How much did these lifestyle changes affect your estimated life span?
    the changes i made to the character on the game made a difference of more then 10 years.

    6.) Are these lifestyle changes worth the effort involved in making them in order to add years to your longevity?
    these life style changes are worth making for the here and now. i'd rather be healthy and lose weight for me now, i could thank myself later.
