You're Having a Baby
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1.) What new information did you discover?
2.)If you are not now a parent, how will this information affect how you approach parenthood?
Friday, September 4, 2009
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I discovered that there is much to protect your children from even before they are born. There are many diseases and precautions to take as a parent to protect your babies.
ReplyDeleteYes it will, i believe that once i am ready to become a parent, that is a website i will definately refer back to
1. I discovred that a tea, with herbs can you help you during pregency. The herbs include, Chamomlie, Raspberry Leaf, Meadowsweet, and a mint. The raspberry leaft helps prepare the womb for birth.
ReplyDelete2. This information could help me when approaching parenthood because it would help me during my pregency.
1.) I discovered that sexual abuse can hurt the mother and the child when it comes time to deliver. Many women who have had this experience have found that they have trouble couping with the idea of the sexual abuse, and when it comes time for them to deliver, its hard for them no to think about the abuse the had recevied before.
ReplyDelete2.) Yes and no, due to the fact that I pray that I will never be sexually abused. Though I have to agree with it as well, it will help me to understand what a mother may be going though if they have been sexually abused, and maybe have it to where I may help them in some way if I were a parent.
1) i learned there are alot of health risk and alot of precautions you need to take especially in a high risk pregnancy. I mean you have to worry about blood pressure, gestational diabetes, and alot more.
ReplyDelete2) i will approch parent hood with a little more caution and make sure i take good care of my self so im not at risk for high risk pregnancy.
Well, i decided to take a look at sexual abuse and violence, and came across the lovely topic of "Female Genital Mutilation," which is apparentally basic circumsition for girls. It didnt say much about complications to childbaring, but im pretty sure it doesnt make things easier.
ReplyDeleteI'm not planning on having kids, so it didnt really effect my outlook. But, it did open insight about other women and how these poor girls are being mistreated as a "right of passage."
i learned what a midwife was. i never really knew what that was. and to show you that i know what a midwife is i will give the definition. the defintion is: a person trained to assist women in childbirth.
ReplyDeletethis information will not affect me at all since i am a male. but if i ever get married and we have children i guess my wife could use a midwife to help her.
I learned that before anyone has a baby , they need to look at how much a commenet it is going to be for them to have a healthy pregnacy as well as to the risk of being pregnet.
ReplyDeleteThis information just helps me stand by my decisison to adopt and envy those who ae willing to go through all of that.
i learned a little more about parenthood and babies. Before you have a baby you really need to see how much attention and nutriment that child needs. Its not like one movies. its hard work and you must be able to provide for that child through all times. The baby cant take care of itself, and if your not ready to take on the responsibility, its probably in your best interest not to have any.
ReplyDeleteI discovered that there are ways to prevent your baby from dying from SIDS. I always thought it was unexplainable and there was no way to prevent it.
ReplyDeleteThis information will affect how I approach parenthood by making me more aware of how I let my child sleep and I would not let it around people who smoke.
1.) I discovered respiratory syncytial virus is the most common respiratory virus in infants and young children. RSV can lead to a serious lung infection, and is the leading cause of pneumonia and bronchiolitis in infants. Its early symptoms are common as a cold or flu. In the US 2% of babies die from it.
ReplyDelete2.) When i approach parenthood i will be more cautious about diseases and getting my babys vaccines. ill be extra careful to clean and take care of baby. and now i know there are deadly diseases out there for baby.
-Vickie Parnell
1. I learned that there are alot of risks of birth defects and there are lots of things that can go wrong.
ReplyDelete2. This will help me approach parenthood because now I know that many things can go wrong and I will try to do everything that I can to prevent those things when the time comes.
1. I learned that sleep position and blankets have a huge effect on declining or inclining the risk of SIDS. I had a sister that died of SIDS, but I still didn't know much of what happened, so this kind of cleared it up.
ReplyDelete2. well, I'll definitely make sure to keep unecissary blankets and stuffed animals out of my babies crib. and always lay her on her back.
ReplyDeleteA: Certain foods that contain high trace amounts of minerals, vitamins, ect. have to be eaten liberally while on the opposite side, the mother MUST make sure that ALL of her meat is cooked thoroughly, and have fresh, hard cheese. The softer kinds can/do have potentially harmful bacteria.
Mostly, I learned that a mother should eat protein enriched, very well cooked foods and to stay away from the "sea fares."
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A: Very little. As I am a Mormon (, the religious expectations nutritionally and emotionally demand a certain level of commitment, rewarded with health and a kind of happiness. The young women of a ward/district/church are taught to focus more with motherhood and being in the home for their children, less with their potential careers. Kind of like Micheal's Mother said in the Ritalin hand out: "...and family life."
@Facistpuppy69: I didn't know about the SIDS thing. I thought SIDS was the umbrella for a random baby dying?...
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
ReplyDeleteProbably didn't spell that right... you get the point. Anyways I knew that if women drank alcohol while pregnant there were side effects.. I just didn't know they were this extensive.
Poor growth while the baby is in the womb and after birth
Decreased muscle tone and poor coordination
Delayed development and significant functional problems in three or more major areas: thinking, speech, movement, or social skills (as expected for the baby's age)
Heart defects such as ventricular septal defect (VSD) or atrial septal defect (ASD)
Structural problems with the face.
You get the point: Your little bit of fun could cause a lifetime of health problems for your kid.
This honestly devastates me.. I've seen a HUGE pregnant women barely able to stand and had no idea where she was. It was sad then but now I know this womens child (If even alive) has so many problems.
While I wouldn't drink if I was pregnant..I will always make sure I'm not pregnant before I drink any alcohol ! :)
1. I learned that you aren't supposed to use any soft coverings or bedding if your baby is less then a year old because there is a risk that they could suffocate themselves in the covers.
ReplyDelete2. This will definitely help when I become a parent. I will be more prepared and knowledgeable as to what to and not to do.
i learned that there are alot of things you need to know before you have a baby like; what foods to eat, what to expect and things like that.
ReplyDeletei think its a pretty okay website to check out if your going to have a baby.
1) Though I knew it was better to buy a new crib I didn't know it is advised not to use an older crib for your baby. With an older crib there is a higher chance of them suffocating and strangling. I just always thought if you couldn't afford a crib it'd be fine to use the one you used when you were little since it holds some sentimental value to you, guess not! Buy a new crib, and even then make sure it's safe! No loose screws, a firm matress, etc.
ReplyDelete2)From what I looked at the site and the information I specifically looked into was helpful. A good source if you are expecting.
1.I learned that there are many things a parent should know before having kids,like what foods to eat and what should or shouldn't be in their crib and what kind of crib is better to have.
ReplyDelete2.If I were to ever become a parent, these things would definitely be things I would need to know to be a good parent.
1. I learned that (RSV) is the most common respiratory virus in infants and that 70% of infants under 2 will have this virus. It is no worse then the common cold, but for infants this virus can lead to lung infection. Which could be very bad because they could die.
ReplyDelete2. If I were to have a baby i would make sure that my baby was warmly dressed through November to March, because that when the most cases happen.
1. I learned that planning a pregnancy is a route many people are taking today. Genetic counseling, amniocentesis, karyotypes and many other tests are becoming available to detect any abnormality, such as a disability early in the pregnancy. i think i will have genetic counseling before i think of having kids.
ReplyDelete2. I know sometime in the distant future ( out of college and an established career and married) to have children. and being pregnant there are many precautions that you have to take for the safety of your child and yourself. providing for your baby will ensure a safe pregnancy
Alicia hunt
1. Soft bedding may be a cause of SIDS, (or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).
ReplyDelete2. I will make sure my child’s bed meets all the safety requirements so there can be a better chance of my child not dying early.
1. I learned about Female Genital Mutilation or cutting and how it's an excepted part of growing up in parts of Africa. Basically it's a tradition that consists of damaging or removing any part of the genitalia. Complications form the procedure usually are excessive bleeding, occasional death, and difficult childbirth.
ReplyDelete2. Well to begin with I wasn't planning on having children other than the possible adoptive kind but even if I were it still wouldn't really affect my parenthood considering I'm not in that sort of traditional situation. I do think though that it is important to know that those sort of severe medical procedures happen on a daily bases in todays time.
I read about SIDS. I had never heard about it untill about 10 minutes ago. after readin about it, it kind of scared me into not wanting to have to raise any kids. Then i read about all these little things that help prevent it so if I were a parent it wouldn't affect me that much
ReplyDeleteI read about SIDS. I have heard about SIDS before but didn't know anything about it. I learned that there are situations where infants can die suddenly. I learned that infants should sleep facing upward, should be at a comfortable temperature, and shouldn't sleep with an adult. By avoiding these things the infant has a much less chance of dying from SIDS. Now that I know these things I can be sure when I am a parent I can keep my child safe.
ReplyDeleteI learned that sexual abuse can cause complications for mothers when they go to deliver and thats kind of scary if you are trying to have a family with someone and that never came up. Think of all the proplems that will cause.
ReplyDelete1)I learned that there are many things a parent should know before having kids,like what foods to eat and what should or shouldn't be in their crib and what kind of crib is better to have.
ReplyDelete2)The information that i read taught me a lot of things i didnt know until a minute ago, but now know all of these things that can happen i can be aware of alot of things.
I learned a lot of information about how taking drugs when you are pregnant can affect your child's whole life. After learning this new information I am going to stop and consider the affects of these drugs before I give my wife the approval to use drugs during her pregnancy.
ReplyDeletei learned that African Americans and Indian Americans have a much greater chance of having a baby with SIDS. That sucks. I guess the only way to try and prevent this would be to not make any kids with those two races.
ReplyDeleteI learned about taking drugs when pregnant. Also, there is a lot of things a parent should know before having a baby that they probably dont know.
ReplyDeleteI think this will affect me because I will be more aware when I have my kids then I would have before I read this.
I learned that children in adult seat belts are more likely to have a brain or head injury then children who do not sit in car seats. This makes me wanna always keep my child ( when ever i may have one) in a car or booster seat. I don't know if i agree with the whole 12 year old being the age where you should be allowed to sit in the front. I think every one has sat in the front seat before 12. In my opinion i think that the age of allowence should be around 7 to 9 years old.
ReplyDeletei read about blankets, soft bedding and bed toys not being safe. i learned that one-third of babies that die from SIDS actually might have been suffocated by thier bedding. when i have children, i am not going to have tons of blankets, toys, and cute soft bedding in their crib to help lessen the chance of SIDS!
ReplyDeleteI have learned that prenancy is very hard and can really affect your health if you don't take care of yourself while you are pregneant.
ReplyDeleteI think that if people take great care of themselves while they are pregneat then they will have a safer delivery and healthier child.
I learned about RSV disease and cold weather safety. I would keep myself healthy so i wouldn't put my child in any risk.
ReplyDelete1) i learned that there are alot of things that you have to protect your child and yourself from even before the child is here.
ReplyDelete2) i will apporach parenthood at the right time and will be very caution of things i do
1. I read the article about nutrition during pregnancy. I didn't know that iron was a main need of a developing child during pregnancy. Also I expanded my knowledge on what "healthy eating" is for a pregnant woman. A woman has to be very careful of her diet when she is pregnant.
ReplyDelete2. This information will help me know what things to take in my body to make sure my baby is as healthy as possible (:
1.) What new information did you discover?
ReplyDeleteI learned more random things about brestfeeding. . . Fun..
I also learned about SIDS. That's very scary, I would be even more paranoid about that. But, we always put my cousins to sleep on couches and pillows and such. They're still alive. My mom put my brother and I to sleep on our stomachs, too. My brother and I both are still, I don't know.
2.)If you are not now a parent, how will this information affect how you approach parenthood?
Well, first off, I was already planning on mom thinks it's that's kind of giving me fuel so to speak. But, I think it's really healthy for the baby..doesn't it boost their immune system, too? Nonetheless, I'm going to breastfeed, just maybe not in public, because I think that's rude. As for the beds and stuff, I will most definitely check myself on the items I shall buy for my baby, which is only going to make it harder..if it doesn't feel right, I keep searching for the same item, until it feels, maybe I'll nominate my husband to do those tasks. aha.
1) The information about Sudden Infant Death Syndrome was interesting; I've always been curious about what it is and what causes it. Learning that information would make me definitely want to reconsider how I handle the responsibility of taking care of my child. Simple situations including allowing your baby to use an adult seat belt and soft bedding could result in SIDS (It's a scary thought to know you aren't always aware of the dangers you can put your child in).
ReplyDelete2) With or without ever reading this information, I would take precaution with how to care for my baby if I were approaching parenthood. I would read books with useful information about parenting, and ask my doctor any possibly questions I had. I would never second guess or have doubts when it came to the safety of my child.
Anew thing i learned was that iron given to the baby is soaked up by the placenta. Also it is very important for the mother-to-be to be extremely helthy cause she is providing nutirents and vitamins for two people.
ReplyDeleteI learned that a baby who is sleeping on it's back and is then placed on it's stomach has a higher risk for SIDs (sudden infant death syndrome) and babies should sleep on their backs.
ReplyDeletewhen i am a parent, i'll definitely remember to keep my baby sleeping on it's back and not on any soft or loose surfaces.
1.) I learned that respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the most common respiratory virus in infants and young children and as many as one-third of the babies who die from SIDS each year may actually have suffocated after being placed on soft bedding.
ReplyDelete2.)I won't smoke around my baby (even though I am not going to smoke at all). My family and I will stay away from the baby if we have fevers or colds. Its bad to put soft bedding like blankets in the crib with a baby because they could put it over their face and suffocate.
I didn't know a baby could suffocate on blankets and bedding and stuff. I mean yea, that makes since, but I didn't really think about that. Baby's are so vulnerable and there's so much stuff you have to know.
ReplyDeleteI'm not planning on having kids but if I do have a little "accident" I'm gonna go freakin' crazy! Like I'm going to end up doing so much research about like safety and brain development. 'Cause I'm mean and I only want a super smart baby :P
I leared that, though protecting your child is essential to its proper development, people are really paranoid about their children. A symptom I like to call "new mother syndrom" or NMS, the mother smothers the child socially, emotionally, as well as psysically. Not allowing the child its individual developmental life experiences. Thus putting at stakes its social and emotional well-being, as well as its immunity. Take, for example, the paranoia over GERMS. Parents are so terrified of their child coming into contact with anything potentially dangerous that they basically bathe their child in anti-bacterial hand sanitizer. But with no contact with these germs, the body does not build up a defence that is absolutely neccesary to a healthy human. So, what I learned, can a parent be too protective? My answer is a yes. (of course "New Mother Syndrom was made up as a joke to convey my thoughts on the subject, do not look up NMS, you wont find it.)
ReplyDeleteAnd as to how this will affect my parenthood, it wont, im not haveing kids :D
i found out that theres a lot of things that you have to protect your baby from before and after its born, the diseases and other things its hard to know what to do and not to do that can do something to the baby,
ReplyDeleteif any yes this would probably be a website i would have to take another look at if i have any questions about things.
1. that soft bedding can be the cause of SIDS i had nooo clue.
ReplyDelete2. now im gonna be very worried about everything i do with my baby!
1.) What new information did you discover?
ReplyDeleteI discovered that you can use some herbs (of many!) to help you during your pregnancy, such as peppermint, spearmint, chamomile, all help you and are soothing!
2.)If you are not now a parent, how will this information affect how you approach parenthood?
- I would definitely look at the site again, and look up what herbs do what, to help myself and my baby during the pregnancy.
1. I learned that SIDS can help be prevented by modifying the child's sleeping position.
ReplyDelete2. I'm not sure that I want kids, and if I did have any, I'd probably be the physco parents doing everything possible to make their first year of life absolutely completely healthy and safe, ya know never sleeping stuff like that.
i dident really learn anyting because im taking child development classes it wont relly effect me at all because i take care of my nephew
ReplyDelete1.) What new information did you discover?
ReplyDeleteYour baby needs a certain amount of tummy time for developmental reasons and to help prevent flat spots on his or her head. This should only be done while he or she is awake and someone is watching him or her.
2.)If you are not now a parent, how will this information affect how you approach parenthood?
i will watch my chaild closely and severely, i will never leae my child alone until ready, i will eat right and keep my stress down, not smoking or drinking
I learned that you should remove blankets pillows, and plush toys that it is very unsafe to have them.
ReplyDeletealso i didnt know that they should be put to sleep on there back i always thought it was there stomach.
When i am ready to become a parent i will make sure that i have done my research and make sure to have a healthy pregnancy and that i will make sure i will be ready to take care of my baby
1. booster seats are for safety.
ReplyDelete2. i will buy my child a booster seat.
1. i had abolutely no idea about all the dangers of raising a child and the things that i would have to look out for. for instance the whole SIDS thing. otherwise i think i would be fine having kids and raising them. i have been raising my siblings and my neighbors children my whole life. i would rather have my own... just when im ready
ReplyDelete1. I learned that there are a lot of risks of birth defects and there are lots of things that could go wrong.
ReplyDelete2. This will help me approach parenthood because now i know that many things can go wrong and things could happen thats why i will try and do my best for when my time come i want have to weary about nothing.
1.)i did not know that Soft bedding may be a major contributor to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
ReplyDelete2.)i will know in my future parenthood how to take care of my kid(s) safely
1.) What new information did you discover?
ReplyDeleteWell, I found that sunburn can be extremely dangerous to a small child. I wasn't aware that a baby getting a sunburn was an emergency situation and I now know many steps I can take to prevent my future children from having a problem related to this.
2.)If you are not now a parent, how will this information affect how you approach parenthood?
I will definitely take my child's safety into more serious consideration when it comes to the topic of getting sunburned
if i typed, "I am a Parent", would i Be exempt from this question?
Honestly i read like almost all of these and i learned nothing almost bc ive already read all this bc i cant wait to be a dad. In my eyes im gona tell my wife wat to eat no questions bc my babys gona be a healthy little kid. but i did learn like the kind of like sicknesses a little better and to be extremly careful with them. this haas kinda opend my eyes to parenthood.
ReplyDeletei took child development last semester. it was one of my stronger classes. i love learning about babies and how they mature and such. when i was reading one of these articles on nutrition how ever you spell that i found out that its not good as a mother to have lots of caffine. when you put caffine in your body while pregnant it goes to your baby just like anything else would. caffine makes your babies heart beat faster. a babies heart should not have to work no more then it has to because that causes unwanted stress for the baby.
ReplyDeleteThe info could help me to have a healthier baby well my wife.
ReplyDelete1.) I never really considered how important taking care of yourself was when you're pregnant.
ReplyDelete2.)I'm definitely going to be a lot more concerned about my health whenever comes the time.
1.) I learned about the RSV disease. I didn't know there was an actual disease that babies and young infants can get that can cause all kinds of nasty problems.
ReplyDelete2.) I'm not really sure how it would affect me. It's definitely something to think about and watch out for.
1.) I learned about when you have a lot of stuff to worry about during pregency.If you dont take care of your self then you'll have lots of problems.
ReplyDelete2.) I'm really going to be a lot more careful about my health, just be carefull,and more concerned.
I learned that a baby needs a set amount of nutrition, and that in some ways like carveings your body tells you what you need, sometimes. and I learned things about the body and the baby like how the placenta takes in iron for the baby. When I get ready to have kids I am gonna pay extra attention to what Im eating.
ReplyDeleteThis Is Late And I Again Apologize,
ReplyDeleteI Learned that babies need to be protected super early in the womb and you have to be extremely careful. Also that somethings you still cant help or that you could depending on your family history
When It Comes Time For Me to Have A Child Im Gonna Be Extrmely Careful About My Health And What I Do And What I Eat During My Pregnancy
1)i really didn't know there were soo many things that could threathen a baby's life, such as their sleep position, loose bedding, bed sharing, etc.
ReplyDelete2)this is going to make me be a more careful dad later on in life.
1. Sleep position. That kinda shocked me. Didn't know it could affect the baby.
ReplyDelete2. Definately I will be a little more careful. Do some things different than my parents.
1.sleeping with your baby i didnt know it has down falls like rolling over on your baby and smothering it.
ReplyDelete2.i will definately do anything for the wellbeing of my child quit smoking would be the first thing i would change for them.
1.)Soft bedding may be a major contributor to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), past studies have shown that as many as one-third of the babies who die from SIDS each year may actually have suffocated after being placed on soft bedding. New information shows that babies are also at increased risk for SIDS if they get their heads covered by soft bedding while they sleep, for babies have been found dead with their heads covered by the bedding even while they were sleeping on their backs.
ReplyDelete2.) i wont put my baby on a soft blanket or mattress and wont put any toys in the cribe while the baby sleeps
1) i learned that the cold can affect a baby greatly.
ReplyDelete2) it will make me more aware of all the things that could effect my child and look out for more things
1.) What new information did you discover?
ReplyDeleteI learned that you have to keep a child warm if not it can get sick or worse
2.)If you are not now a parent, how will this information affect how you approach parenthood?
I will be very careful as a parent watching over my child a guiding them through their life.
1.) What new information did you discover?
ReplyDeletei learned that frost bite most common cold related injury, and that there are 2 degrees of it, mild or severe. That it is also better to layer a childs clothes with lose fitting clothing to prevent cutting off the circulation which will increase risk of frost bite.
2.)If you are not now a parent, how will this information affect how you approach parenthood?
I am not a parents nor do i plan on being one in the future (not pacient enough for kids) but i do have a 3 year old nephew that i adore and i will use what i've learned to help keep him safe. =]